Podcast—Episode #1 (in French): DMS Marking Coding Quebec leader in printing, marking, coding and labelling solutions

Podcast—Episode #2 (in French): DMS Academy

Discover DMS Academy, a dedicated place to provide customized training to your technical teams on a production line with equipment.

“The Art of Marking the Industry with DMS” podcast invites you to learn more about the DMS Academy, a customized training facility for your technical team with access to an on‑site production line and equipment ready for testing. Listen to the DMS’s podcast on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube.

Here’s an overview of the topics covered in the first episode:

What is DMS Academy?

DMS has created a training facility to meet a need in the printing, marking and coding industry: the DMS Academy. It consists of a showroom with a production line and ready‑to‑use equipment. DMS Academy enables the company to offer in‑person training tailored to customer needs, both in‑house and out‑of‑house.

Customized training for every business type

DMS Academy’s main objective is to offer training on the equipment a customer has in their plant. Melissa Audette, President of DMS Marking Coding, shares that it can be complex for customers to change equipment when dealing with certain suppliers and competitors of DMS. Why? Because of the reliance on a third party for software modifications or management, whose support is offered remotely or virtually. For DMS, it’s essential that the customer understands the operation and software of what has been sold.

To help customers feel autonomous, DMS has developed a range of training sessions within the DMS Academy. These include on‑site demonstrations and virtual training courses filmed within the DMS Academy facilities. The more customers understand their equipment and its production capacity, the easier it is for them to operate it without requiring technical assistance. Moreover, they can easily guide their team on how to use the new equipment.

“I have equipment in the showroom that’s ready for a demonstration tomorrow morning or today!” — Melissa Audette, President

A showroom ready to use

In the showroom, the production lines are already operational, and the equipment is ready to be demonstrated to customers. DMS Marking Coding encourages its sales reps to use them as distinctive sales tools, an advantage the competition rarely has. Being able to tell customers to come to the DMS Academy showroom to see and handle the equipment is a real reassurance for them.

The DMS Academy difference: accessibility and proximity to customers

What sets DMS Marking Coding apart from the competition, particularly in America, is its accessibility. Not everyone has the opportunity to visit facilities and see and test printing, marking and coding equipment.

The fact that DMS is an SME doesn’t prevent it from competing with companies whose wallets differ. The Quebec‑based company relies on its distinctive strengths: responsiveness, flexibility, and customer relations based on proximity and listening.

Enhancing customer relations through events

The DMS Academy goes far beyond training. It plans to organize exclusive events for customers to meet, network, exchange ideas, launch new products in person, and more. According to Melissa Audette, the company’s president, these meetings demonstrate that customer relations are not just about business transactions but also about giving something back.

Given the technical nature of the equipment sold, the learning curve and product knowledge are priorities for DMS Marking Coding team representatives to master. At these gatherings, customers can interact with the DMS team and have the opportunity to ask questions and see its professionalism. This creates a bond of trust with customers and ensures they speak the same language.

“I try to put my value‑added factors […], the ability to turn around quickly, we’re flexible, we react quickly, we’re close to the customer as a proximity relationship, we listen […].” — Melissa Audette, President

Success stories: a meaningful customer encounter

DMS Marking Coding has had several success stories. During the podcast recording, a recent situation was formative for a sales team member. A customer contacted the rep to say he wanted to meet the next day and only had 45 minutes.

At the time, the technical department was bustling. The representative was reluctant to organize a demonstration, knowing that technical adjustments would require the intervention of a technician, as well as managing deadlines and creating specific messages. He called Melissa to share his concerns and to say he was considering declining the meeting. Melissa told him it was an opportunity to clarify the customer’s expectations. As she rightly says: “We have to walk the talk”. If DMS says they will be there, they have to be there.

It was a success! The customer was extremely pleased and grateful for the last‑minute service. The 45 minutes turned into 1 hour 30 minutes. On‑site, the customer could ask questions, and the team’s commitment strengthened the relationship with him. He needed to see the product in action, touch it, and understand it better.

In a world where calls often go unanswered, offering quality and personalized service is a way of standing out. Investing in a place to welcome customers is an investment in them.

The medium‑term vision for the DMS Academy

In the coming years, the DMS Academy will remain an innovative educational space where DMS can invite its customers for presentations on new products adapted to their specific fields. It will also be a connection point for stakeholders from different industries, promoting the improvement of DMS Marking Coding in various sectors.

The aim is to involve customers in the progress of the DMS Academy since they possess crucial knowledge that the DMS team doesn’t necessarily know about each field.

A digital dimension will be added in a few years, with a personalized customer portal, like a virtual academy. While DMS already offers online training and videos to support its customers, adding the digital portal will complement the on‑site experience with virtual accessibility.

“The approach I want to take with customers regarding the Academy; obviously, it’s that they’re going to have their personalized portal on which they’re going to find training, like a virtual academy.” — Melissa Audette, President

Official launch to come

The official launch of the DMS Academy is scheduled for February 1, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. This will be an opportunity to invite customers who have not yet visited the Academy. DMS wants to welcome all its customers, show them what’s offered at the DMS Academy, and invite business partners.

By joining forces, business ties are stronger, exchanges are encouraged, and meetings between the various stakeholders are relevant.

Listen to the new DMS’s podcast (in French)

To learn more about DMS Marking Coding’s DMS Academy and its showroom training sessions, we invite you to listen to the second episode (15 minutes) of “The Art of Marking the Industry with DMS”, the DMS podcast.

Note: English subtitles can be enabled.

See the podcast